Parent Information


You can enrol by email, phone, or in person. Enrolment forms are processed as space permits on a first-come, first-served basis. You can reserve a space for a child by phone however payment and enrolment form must be received within 7 days of reservation to confirm a place in the class. We will not hold spaces for those who have not paid prior to the first class.


Once enrolment form and payment is received you will receive confirmation by email, text or phone from our office.


Fees are itemised on the web page, along with the term dates, and the Canvas Bag Theatre Production Week. All fees are paid in full upon enrolment and are non-transferable. Where a child commences after the term start date the class fees will be pro-rated to reflect the number of classes. If payment is not received within 7 days Canvas Bag reserves the right to remove a child from the class list. Enrolments for classes will only be confirmed upon receipt of the full term fees in advance. However we do not wish any child to be disadvantaged so if there is a financial necessity to pay in instalments, please let us know and this can be done by arrangement. Overdue fees will be referred to Baycorp Credit Collection Agency and all fees incurred in that process are the responsibility of the parents/caregivers.


For security purposes we only accept payment by internet banking. Please accompany this by child’s FULL name.


A child’s place may be cancelled without penalty 10 days prior to the first class, after that a non-transferable $30 administration fee will be charged. Participants cancelling after the first class of term will be charged for that class plus a non-transferable $30 administration fee. Notice of cancellation must be given to Canvas Bag via email, and will be dated as from office receipt of the email. Absence from class does not constitute notice of cancellation. As of the second class of term, no refunds or student transfers will be allowed.

The non-obligation TRY-OUT CLASS – Canvas Bag wants your child to enjoy a drama class as an after-school leisure time activity. If you are not sure about drama classes you may elect to do a one-off trial class. Please complete a paper enrolment form before the trial class. If you decide to continue with the term then normal conditions apply.


It is assumed that attendance is continuous from term to term, once you have enrolled, this includes attendance across years, ie from Term 4 to Term 1 of the following year. If you wish to withdraw from Canvas Bag Drama School, you need to give us 4 weeks notice, prior to the commencement of the following term otherwise you will be charged the following term’s fees in full.


We are fortunate to work with highly motivated and enthusiastic students. Students are expected to be respectful and courteous at all times to fellow students, tutors, other parents and the facilities. Children waiting in a foyer should not climb staircases or rearrange the furniture and beanbags. Students waiting for a class are for the most part unsupervised and we expect parents to reinforce the messages of respect and care that we insist on.


Canvas Bag Drama School is committed to creating welcoming and affirming class environments for all students. We want our students to have fun and enjoy exploring the many aspects of dramatic play in a supportive environment. We will welcome teachable moments based on a commitment to non-discrimination with respect to the following areas:


Most bullying is based on biases, stereotypes and prejudice. Where bullying is encountered we will engage in real conversation with students at the time, assisting them to learn how they can be upstanders to help prevent bullying.


We welcome all students from all backgrounds, appreciating the wider perspectives that this lends to our storytelling. Important and thoughtful conversations about race can be woven into our dramatic narratives as tutors deem appropriate at the time.


Students who wish to participate will be assessed with respect to the safety of the physical environment that we work in, and the student being able to effectively self-manage their behaviour within the group dynamic. At all times we need to implement guidelines in our Health and Safety Manual and the H&S Manual of the Hirer (Rangi Ruru School).


Canvas Bag Drama School will create an environment that is free of gender stereotypes and gender norms that limit all children. We acknowledge transgender and non-binary people and support and affirm all students’ identities across the gender spectrum. To this end we will endeavour to use inclusive greetings and be sensitive to students’ and tutors’ preferred choice of pronouns. We believe that when students feel safe to express their identities across the gender spectrum they will be more confident to take on challenges and thrive creativity in the drama school.


We communicate with parents regularly via email, text message and facebook. We will email a newsletter once a term and also post it on our web page. We do not advise using @hotmail or @outlook email addresses as we have consistent evidence that those servers reject our group emails with attachments. Please provide an alternative email if you are able and make sure you add us to your address book. We post weekly updates on Facebook, so like and follow us to get these as well.


If your child has a mobile phone then it must be left in a safe place in the foyer. Phones are not permitted in the teaching space.


No food is allowed in the teaching space, water bottles are permitted but must be left in the foyer. Chewing gum is not permitted, upon arrival it must be disposed of.


Please refer to our website for the latest dates. We are closed on statutory holidays.


Dates for these are on our web page. Please put them in your diary now!


Canvas Bag Drama likes to photograph and/or video classes and use the pictures for publicity purposes and regular Facebook updates. Should you not wish us to photograph your child please indicate this on the enrolment form.


Canvas Bag puts a value on students’ needs to have a private safe space for creative self-expression. However, parents are welcome to watch a class by prior arrangement with the tutor concerned. Siblings are not permitted due to constraints of space and the potential for distraction.


Canvas Bag likes to maintain well balanced and cohesive classes. Therefore we are unable to give makeups, discounts, refunds or credits for classes not attended due to illnesses or holidays. Please text the director on 021 083 00316 if you are going to be absent from class because of illness or holiday.


Canvas Bag reserves the right to remove a student from a class where that student exhibits unacceptable behaviour. Canvas Bag expects all students to have reasonable self management skills and always act with the overall safety and well-being of the class as being of paramount importance.


This is added to accounts in Performance Term and covers costume and other expenses connected with mounting a stage production. It is currently set at $30 per student.


Canvas Bag Drama School has its own Risk Management Handbook and any hazards which may cause injury or harm will be identified and evaluated regularly to manage by minimising, isolating or eliminating.


We have a basic first aid kit and are able to deal efficiently with small injuries. We will notify parents of any injury. For the safety of your child, please walk younger children into the foyer before class starts and be waiting for them at the end. Students should not wait more than 5 minutes to be picked up once the class has ended and if you are going to be late, please text us.


Emergency evacuation routes and information are posted inside the theatre. Teachers know the drill and will assist students to evacuate quietly and walk in single file as quickly as possible to the designated area where a roll check will be done. We will return to the theatre when the all-clear signal is given. If it is not safe to return to the building caregivers will be contacted immediately to collect their child.


Drama is a physical activity and sometimes, particularly when blocking scenes in Performance Term, we might wish to put students into certain positions. This might mean adjusting a student’s body to help them understand what is required. It is a quick and efficient way of working. We will always be sensitive to individual learning styles and comfort levels, as well as our own common sense.


We want your child to enjoy their classes and participate with energy and enthusiasm. Tutors are happy at all times to discuss any aspect of your child’s participation either at the end of a class or by phone or email. We look forward to becoming positively involved with your child at Canvas Bag Drama School.